Hope25 Prayer Litany from All Saints Kempsey (Grafton Diocese)

Judy Blomfield from the parish of All Saints Kempsey, NSW, in the Diocese of Grafton, provided the following prayer resource.

Hope25 Prayer Litany

All Saints Prayer Group

HOPE: For You Lord are my hope.You are my confidence,O God from my youth upward. Psalm 71:5



In the midst of conflict,
may Your peace comfort us.
In the midst of pain,
may Your comfort strengthen us.
In the midst of uncertainty and fear,
may Your strength reassure us,
that in the midst of life with all its troubles,
we may hold firm to You, O Lord,
confident that You hold firm in us. ( Dorothy W. Stewart. England)



(Aboriginal Lord’s Prayer)  
You are our Father, you live in heaven,
We talk to you. Father you are good.

You are our Father, you live in heaven,
We talk to you. Father you are good.

We believe your word, Father,
We are your children, give us bread today.

We believe your word, Father,
We are your children, give us bread today.

We have done wrong, we are sorry,
Teach us, Father, all about your Word.

We have done wrong, we are sorry,
Teach us, Father, all about your Word.

Others have done wrong to us,
And we are sorry for them, Father, today.

Others have done wrong to us,
And we are sorry for them, Father, today.

Stop us from doing wrong, Father,
Save us all from the evil one.

Stop us from doing wrong, Father,
Save us all from the Evil One.

You are our Father, you live in heaven,
We talk to you, Father, you are good.

You are our Father, you live in heaven,
We talk to you, Father, you are good

(Source: NATSIAC Website)

Praise and Proclaim His Goodness

Praise and proclaim his goodness in our community, church & personal lives.

A General Thanksgiving
Almighty God and merciful Father,
we give You hearty thanks
for all Your goodness and loving kindness to us
and all people.
We bless You for our creation and preservation,
and all the blessings of this life;
but above all, for your immeasurable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ,
for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.

And, we pray, give us such a sense of all your mercies,
that our hearts may be truly thankful
and that we may praise you
not only with our lips, but in our lives,
serving You in holiness and righteousness all our days,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord
to whom with You and the Holy Spirit,
be honour and glory, now and forever. Amen.

(A Prayer Book for Australia, p16)

Prayer for those in need……………………



May we all encounter God in Jesus and led by the Spirit in the everydayness of our lives, in creation and in those whose lives touch ours.

Hold Me, Lord ( to be said responsorally)
Hold me in Your arms, Lord
bless me with Your Love 

whisper in the quietness, Lord Bless me with Your Word
Lead me through the darkness, Lord
Bless me with Your Light 

Touch me where I hurt, Lord
Bless me with Your Healing
And through Your Blessings, Lord,
May I grow and learn
to know Your presence
always walking with me. Amen. (Richard Becher England )

Conclusion – Hope25 Collect:

God of Hope,

you call on us to be your witnesses in this uncertain world;

by your Spirit awaken in us

a true vision of your kingdom,
a greater certainty of our salvation, and
a deeper dedication to your service;

that through our words and actions the same Spirit may

bring many who are lost to be found,

and for them to celebrate the hope
that we can only have in Jesus Christ,

in whose name we pray. Amen